Treatment tailored to you.
Medication isn’t just for managing symptoms, it’s for living your life.
Mental health impacts your entire life - your relationships, your work, even your sense of self. You want an approach to medication that treats your symptoms AND enhances your lifestyle.
Maybe you’re not really sure exactly what that looks like, but you do know it’s got to feel good - minimal side effects and noticeable benefits.
And while there’s a certain amount of trial and error inherent in the process, you don’t want to feel like a guinea pig or experiment, but to feel like an active, empowered participant in your care.
Let’s make a plan that feels good.
Mental healthcare should support you and your life.
It’s totally possible to have medication make sense and have a good experience in the process. After really getting to know you as a person, I combine my expertise in psychiatric medication with your personal preferences to create a personalized medication plan that feels right for you. Nothing quick or impersonal about it.
By having an approach that feels good for you in your real life, your medication can be one less thing for you to worry about.
I see enormous value in medication for many individuals. I also work with individuals who benefit solely from therapy, lifestyle changes, and supplements. My individualistic approach is to find what is best for you.
Personalized medication management can:
Allow you to feel heard, understood, and valued
Help you better understand your needs and options
Minimize the impact of side effects
Improve your experience with medication
Empower you to collaborate in your care
Give you confidence in your treatment plan
My approach
I believe that simplicity and common sense go a long way. I want to use as little medication as possible, but definitely enough to get the job done. I also closely track your symptoms and any possible side effects, keeping records along the way so we can look back and see your progress.
And while there is no perfect algorithm for choosing medications to treat mental health conditions, I use my 15 years of experience and a methodical approach to making changes so you feel a sense of stability throughout the process.
I also believe in your experience and your intuition. We’ll talk about what’s bothering you the most, what you’ve experienced on medication, and how you feel about any possible changes. Together, we’ll collaborate to create a plan that feels good for you.
Conditions I treat with medication:
Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder
Perinatal and Postnatal Depression
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Generalized anxiety
Panic Disorder
Perinatal and Postnatal Anxiety
Work Stress & Burnout
Parenting Stress & Burnout
Even with medication, your opinion matters. We’ll collaborate to match your medication with your needs so that you feel good about your care.
All the details about medication management with White Pine Mental Health & Wellness
Of course! After getting all the information, we’ll discuss a range of treatment options including both lifestyle interventions and medications. Together, we’ll decide if medications are a good fit for you.
If they are, we’ll discuss various options and decide what feels best for you. If we decide that medications aren’t the right choice for you, we can talk about other options including supplements, psychotherapy, and lifestyle interventions that can help you feel your best. Either way, I’ve got you!
At the end of your first visit, we’ll discuss a treatment plan that feels good for you. That may or may not involve continuing your current medication. If we do decide to continue your current medications, I’m happy to prescribe them. If we decide to make changes, we will discuss the plan thoroughly and I’ll guide you every step of the way.
It is important to note that I do not prescribe any controlled substances due to seeing patients virtually. However, if those are appropriate to continue and the previous provider is willing to collaborate, we are happy to coordinate care. There’s also a wide range of non-controlled substances even for things like anxiety or ADHD. I’d love to discuss options!
While I certainly use labs to get more information to support your general health, there really isn’t any specific test - blood work or brain scan - that can show us which medications will be helpful for you.
At this point, a detailed clinical interview by an experienced provider is the best tool we’ve got. And I like to think I’m pretty good at it!
I do sometimes utilize GeneSight and TempusPGX, which are genetic-based tests that give us information on how your body processes medications. I’d be happy to discuss the pros and cons for this type of testing at your appointment if you’re interested.
By personalizing care to you, based on your symptoms, medical history, and personal preferences, we can minimize the risk of any side effects.
We’ll chat at each visit about any side effects you may be experiencing and troubleshoot so you feel good about your care.
We do not prescribe any controlled substances.
There are circumstances where we will coordinate care with a patient’s primary care or specialty provider who manages those medications.
More questions? Check out my FAQs page.