Obsessive compulsive disease is tricky.
We can help.
OCD can make you question yourself, doubt, reality or even make you feel a little crazy.
Sometimes it’s uncomfortable thoughts in your head that don’t really feel like they’re yours but make you question yourself anyway. Other times, it’s images that pop into your head that ruin an otherwise ordinary day.
Some people find themselves checking or repeating things or even doing some mental gymnastics not really knowing why.
But for almost everyone with OCD, the thoughts, feelings, images, or behavior are confusing and really uncomfortable.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Those bothersome thoughts can come less frequently, feel more manageable, and pass more quickly allowing you to feel more comfortable and focus on the things that really matter to you.
We get it, and we can help.
We’ve heard it all…okay, maybe not everything every, but an awful lot. We understand that OCD isn’t who you are.
You’re not a bad person, you’re not crazy, and you’re certainly not alone. Together, we can help you get back to feeling like yourself and enjoying life even with OCD.
Understanding your experience with OCD
Finding the right medicine at the right dose
Getting you back to feeling like yourself
Together, we’ll work on:
Enlisting the right supports for you & your lifestyle
Growing your confidence without compulsions
Explaining OCD in a way that helps you manage it

More information about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It’s a pattern of intrusive and unwanted thoughts, images or ideas, called obsessions, that cause discomfort. Sometimes this discomfort leads the person to perform certain activities, called compulsions, in order to experience relief.
Everyone has intrusive thoughts occasionally, but when they become bothersome and disrupt your activities or require specific activities for relief, we start to think about OCD.
Yup. Some people have obsessions, some have compulsions, and some have both. In fact, OCD with only obsessions is the most common type.
Some people even have compulsions that they don’t realize are compulsions. Things like asking family members to reassure them, saying a specific word in their head, or counting things in their head can be compulsions if done from a need to feel relief from anxiety.
Intrusive thoughts can be about anything. If your brain can think it up, it can be an intrusive thought. There are some common themes though.
Checking, symmetry and orderliness, hoarding, relationship, sexual, harm, and inappropriate thoughts are all common ideas of OCD.
Some people have only one specific type of intrusive thoughts and other people may have several. The good thing is these thoughts aren’t who you are.
With appropriate treatment, people with OCD can experience significant relief from these uncomfortable thoughts and life well with OCD.
For most people, OCD is treated with both medication and therapy. Medication management for OCD is very effective. Exposure response therapy is also very effective. But together, we see even better response!
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